Welcome to the registration for the MRI User Meeting 2019

We kindly ask you to please fill out all fields below.

You will receive a confirmation and invoice within the next 2 weeks. If this is not the case, please send us an email to: mruservienna@vetmeduni.ac.at


This years subscription fee is:  190 


An invoice will be send to the address given in the invoice box. If it is the same as your personal address just write "dito" into the box.


Bring your own Poster:

Attendees are invited to submit topic related posters. Submitted posters will be displayed as ePosters during the whole meeting. In the poster session the authors will give a short overview followed by a discussion. A scientific committee will award the best poster with the MRI User Meeting Poster Prize.

Important deadlines: 
March 3rd, 2019               Abstract submission for posters 

April 12th, 2019                ePoster submission

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.